How to Bring Your UX to the Next Level in 2020

Some years back, User Experience and Marketing were treated as two distinct entities. Come 2019 and UX is an important element of marketing for the direct impact it has on conversions and revenue and how it influences people’s perception and feelings towards a brand, service or product.

According to Angelina Harvey, the author of academized reviews, the design is not about the “wow” factor. Users are looking for a personalized, minimalist, accessible, and simple to use product or service. These are the principles of the latest and future UI/UX design trends to follow.

What is UX?

UX, also known as User Experience, is the way users feel when interacting with a system, a product or a service. The system, product or service could be a website, a device, a web application or a desktop program.

Why is UX so important?

The purpose of UX is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by enabling users to access a product or service easily, and conveniently. In simple terms, UX is helpful when it comes to fulfilling of user’s needs.

What makes a great user experience?

User experience is different for every user. What’s important when designing a web or a product is to keep in mind that you aren’t the user. Don’t make a mistake to assume that you know your users’ wants and needs.

So what makes a great User Experience?

To answer this question, let’s take a look at the factors that influence UX.

  • Findability – Users should be able to find your content with ease both onsite and offsite.
  • Useful – Your content should be unique and fulfill users’ needs.
  • Ease of use – Your site should be easy to navigate around.

That being said, let’s find out the UX trends to observe in 2020.

1. An Increased Demand for Specialized UX Professionals

As more businesses continue to put more emphasis on UX design, more resources are being devoted to design which has led to the forming of bigger design teams.


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For instance, Google has employed more than 3,000 designers and IBM has more than 2,000 currently. Other firms have design teams of 150, 200 or more. As the design teams continue to get bigger, we can expect to see a huge demand for UX design professionals.

Currently, Amazon, Microsoft, Airbnb, and Amazon are looking for:

  • UX designers capable of communicating with data scientists and engineers.
  • UX designers capable of developing and working with style guides.
  • UX interns with proven skills in 3D modeling, graphic design, and video-editing.
  • UX design managers capable of providing leadership in research, engineering, marketing, content, etc.
  • And many others.

Remember that this trend is not only for large organizations, but small companies will also need to hire UX specialists.

If you are considering pursuing a career in this field, then we assure you it’s going to be a lucrative one. You just need to deepen and broaden your skillset.

2. Design for the People with Disabilities

Surprisingly, when designing a product, companies fail to understand that people with permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities interact with the products differently.

Having an inclusive mindset during the designing of a product will help you create a product that’s more convenient for all types of users. Most assignment services have implemented this technology to take care of students with disabilities as well.

ux trends 2020

3. Content Comes First

Having a content-first mindset during the designing of a product is important to ensure users can access, read, and engage with your content in a convenient way.

When it comes to UX design, the readability of your content is not optional. These days, users aren’t interested in your slogans, brand names, or taglines. There want a product with simple menus, readable content, and responsive.

4. Personalization

Today, mass production is a bygone thing. There is no one-size-fits-all anymore. Users need to be targeted in person. They want a personalized approach from you. You need to design a product that meets their specific needs.

For this reason, one needs to design a product focusing on personal and cultural requirements ensuring a unique and genuine user experience.

Some examples of companies that have embraced this trend include Spotify where a listener can access a playlist based on their taste and Netflix customizes film artworks to suit users’ viewing habits. Most essay writing service providers emphasize on this technology.

5. Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is the new UX trend in 2020 aimed at securing devices. This technology prioritizes security for both the businesses and customers hence improving User Experience. The good thing about the biometric authentication is that it allows users to identify themselves with being impersonated.

Some good examples of biometric technologies currently in the market include voice, facial recognition, iris scans, etc.

As a business, you need to look into this trend by experimenting with the biometric technologies that work best for you and your customers.

The idea is to stay innovative and provide a great user experience for your customers.

6. Augmented Reality is Here to Stay

Augmented reality is changing things for good. In the past, we used to see it as a future thing, but its implementation has proved that this technology is what we needed several decades ago.

This technological advancement has dominated the UX design trends of 2019 and it’s not going to die any time soon.

AR is now no longer a technology for the gaming industry. It’s been implemented in many industries such as education, travel, automobile, social media platforms, healthcare, and more.

7. Password-Less Sign-in

How many times have you tried to reset your password when accessing a site because you have forgotten the one you set when creating an account?

A survey shows that 27.95% of people forget their passwords more than 10 times a year.

The issue is made worse with password-setting protocols that require a user to use a combination of special characters, numbers, lower/upper case characters, and symbols.

All these login requirements make it complex for users to remember the last passwords they used to access your site hence leading to users resetting their passwords every time.

Password-less sign-in is one of the emerging UX Design Trends being implemented by various firms.

Stay Ahead and Give Your Customers Great User Experience

2020 will be an exciting year with plenty of UX trends- we’ve just mentioned a few of the most important ones you should prepare yourself for.

As you have seen, many technologies have already been implemented for the last few years and are still being improved each year.

Are you ready for these UX Design Trends?