This has no doubt been one of the most difficult years for many people and businesses. I’m sure I’m not the only one suffering from COVID PTSD, and we’re not out of the woods yet.
With so much uncertainty in the world, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what this year has made us thankful for. After all, the holiday spirit is still in our hearts! We asked our team members and some of our friends in the industry to share what 2020 made them the most thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving from us to you and your family, and may these quotes inspire you!
“For the first time in my life, I have woken up to how my voice can make an impact in our world — thinking globally and acting locally. With the pandemic, racial injustice, and heated political climate in the U.S. and beyond, I realized that I can no longer hide or ignore what is actually happening and how it affects my fellow human beings, both in my personal and professional worlds.
“I’m grateful to work with a company (Co-Active Training Institute) that encourages me to be exactly who I am, which is a leader who is responsible for my world. I am thankful for the freedom I enjoy to speak out through my empathy (and rage) for those who do not yet have the freedom, nor the voice. Until this year, I didn’t realize that my voice was important, much less necessary. It took being super uncomfortable and challenged to wake me up to my privilege and leadership. For that, I am changed forever, and will continue to speak my truth.”
–Lynn Abaté-Johnson, Founder and Chief Community Officer at
“I absolutely could not be more thankful for my squad, the three brilliant colleagues, trusted confidants, and supportive friends who have been with me every step of the way this year. In addition to publishing a book together, Jenn Herman, Stephanie Liu, and Amanda Robinson have been my rocks and allowed me to be a rock for them. They’re a true testament to the power of friendships and relationships!”
–Mike Allton, Brand Evangelist at Agorapulse
“2020 made me thankful for time spent with family and friends, all of the small businesses in my community, working with such an amazing team, and the tenacity of hope. Even though we’ve faced unique and individual experiences throughout this year, we can find unity in the fact that we’re in this together.”
–Megan Ranger, Content Manager at Nimble
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“2020 has been a tremendous wake-up for me. I am very thankful for my health and my family. I am also very thankful for the close relationships with clients and my friends on social media. Without that, it would be a very long year.”
–Brad Friedman, President of The Friedman Group, LLC
“2020 is a year I will remember as a ‘stand-out’ year, definitely not a year to forget. Like many, I have experienced the highs and lows the year has brought, both professionally and personally.
HOWEVER! 2020 has made me very thankful for being self-employed and being in a position to determine how I addressed the opportunities and challenges it has brought. Because I work mainly from a home-office I was able to continue the business, yet be with my wife far more (she may say too much) as I wasn’t traveling as much each week.
“I’m grateful for people reaching out to see if I’m OK and I made a conscious effort to do more of the same. The willingness of people to Zoom has enabled me to meet with many more people and find more opportunities to collaborate.
I’m thankful for the business assistance programs of the Australian federal and state Governments have enabled many businesses to survive, and others even thrive and grow. Yes, some have or will disappear… but many have found opportunities to do better.
“2020 is the start of a new decade and the bang has reverberated all year long. BUT, I’m thankful for having the opportunity to realize what is important to me. Happy Thanksgiving and may your glass be half-full.”
–Ross Keating, Integrated Business Growth Specialist at The Client Orchardist
“I just read the obituary of a colleague’s daughter — her name was Luz — which means ‘light.’ Luz was an accomplished young businesswoman and artist, as well as a person with a disability. She wrote: ‘My life is my message.’ THIS is what I am thankful for. Her life. My life. Your life. OUR LIVES ARE OUR MESSAGE. This credo cuts across all races, politics, geographies, ages, people of all abilities, and in times of joy or stress — even global pandemics. Let your life be your message, now and always. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Team Lately.”
–Kate Bradley Chernis, CEO of Lately
“Family. We couldn’t have gotten through the months of quarantine without family to help with childcare, share the daily chores of life, and to laugh with.
Technology. The way we were all able to feel a little closer to each other, despite the distance and the challenges, was just amazing.
Creative people in the arts, movies, film, and music! In quarantine, and over the past several months, I’ve seen ‘live’ concerts by some of my favorite singers, some of them with hundreds of thousands of people across the world watching with me. My one-year-old son went to his first concert (so to speak) of one of my absolute favorite bands in the world just because they were doing a concert on Facebook.
“DJs hosted dance parties and our favorite celebrities were ‘there’ joining in with us. My family and I watched a table read by the cast of one of our favorite childhood movies, and it brought back such great memories. It’s been incredible to see the creative community really emerge as leaders to make us feel a little more connected and human, in a way I think we all needed.”
–Leah Neaderthal, CEO of Smart Gets Paid
“This is two-fold. Primarily, I’m so incredibly grateful for all my wonderful and supportive friends. Those who stepped up to help, were there to listen, who offered advice, and who were willing to lift others up. We all needed extra strength this year and my friends were so instrumental in that.
“Secondarily, in order to be ‘with’ my friends, I’m so grateful to the technology we have that enables us to stay connected across countries. Whether it’s social media, Zoom, Facebook Portal, or other tools, it is thanks to all this technology that we got to stay close!”
–Jenn Herman, Instagram Expert at Jenn’s Trends
“2020 has made me even more so thankful for my family, my health, and for outdoor activities such as hiking.”
– Ionia Palmer, Customer Success Manager at Nimble
“The ups and downs of 2020 have made me most thankful for quality time with friends and family, the endless amount of baking competition shows on streaming services, having free time, but most importantly knowing how to spend it.”
-Amara Norman, Care Ninja at Nimble
“I’m grateful for the ability to continue to work and add value to others in these difficult times. I’m grateful for the extra time with our adult children in 2020 who otherwise would have been away at college. Finally, I’m grateful that the Dodgers finally won the World Series after so many years of trying.”
–Jon Ferrara, CEO at Nimble
“The biggest thing I’m thankful for in 2020 is my life partner, Alex. Luckily, we have worked from home together for the past five years (I’ve been remote for over eight years now!) so it wasn’t too difficult when things went virtual. However, having someone there to get me through the year was a huge plus for me personally. We problem-solved our way out of some real dumpster fires!
“Professionally, I’d have to say I’m BEYOND grateful for my team. This year was extremely difficult on work-from-home people — especially those who had to take on childcare and/or homeschooling. I watched many of our team members struggle, but most of them dug deep and figured out a way to keep showing up and continued to be cheerleaders for our clients. I cannot explain that feeling to you … it’s so powerful and leads to a whole lot of gratitude!”
–Brooke B. Sellas, Founder & CEO B Squared Media
“They say ‘health is wealth.’ In a year where even casual interactions could jeopardize your life or well-being, I’m thankful for the endless collective patience that billions of people worldwide, including hundreds of millions of Americans, have shown in re-imagining everything about their businesses and day-to-day lives to protect the health of others, and themselves.
“While the news often focuses on negativity (illness and death have been lead stories all year long), the collective ingenuity and resiliency of Americans are alive and well, and I’m thankful for the determination we all share in overcoming these various crises to resume our collective growth and success in 2021 and beyond.”
–Chris Strub, Giving Day Guy at I Am Here, LLC
“2020 has thrown plenty of curveballs (and a few huge wrecking balls). I’m thankful for the people who love and support me through all the turmoil, but I’m especially grateful to the ones who don’t let me languish. For instance, I agreed to help Chris Brogan run his live video show, The Backpack Show. And on my first day, he dragged me out front to co-host with him.
“I had fully planned on bumming around the virtual backstage in my PJs, pushing buttons and displaying comments, but he would have none of it. Chris pushed me to own my love of hosting live shows and events, and because of him, I’ve sprung out of bed every morning instead of lolling until my first work meeting. I’m so thankful for the encouragement/kick in the pants Chris gave me!”
–Kerry O’Shea Gorgone Educational Content Director and Podcast Host at MarketingProfs
“2020 challenged me to really take a look at my white privilege and become a better ally and accomplice for the change I wish to be and see in the world. I’m thankful for the core people in my life who lead by example and give me the courage to speak up more often and loudly (or loudER, I should say).”
–Mia Voss, Opinionated Lifestyle Blogger & Podcaster at Mia Voss Live
“In a year full of unexpected twists and turns, we are most thankful for people. We are deeply grateful for the support, generousity, and confidence of our customers and network of colleagues. If there was ever a time to experience the value of paying it forward, of investing in relationships and delivering on promises it was this year. We hope to continue to earn the privilege of remaining a part of this tremendous community. ”
– Laura Patterson, President of VisionEdge Marketing
We’re thankful for you!
We would like to thank our amazing Nimble community for their support throughout the years. We’re excited to continue evolving into the simple CRM for Office 365 and G Suite teams and to help you work even better, smarter, and faster in the upcoming year! Now, let’s get through the rest of the craziness together.