Is Your Network Nimble?

When I first began my professional career in sales, my first sales network was captured in a Rolodex. For those salespeople too young to know what a Rolodex is – basically it is cards on a wheel. Believe it or not, those little gems are still sold.  

How did we schedule our sales call follow up? The old fashioned way…by hand. We used a Day-Timer, a Franklin Planner or my favorite, a Covey 7-Habits of Highly Successful People binder and planner.

Tracking sales opportunities? Well, until a sales tool called GoldMine came along, we tracked activities manually. Goldmine is a platform that pioneered relationship management before Outlook and Salesforce and before sales force automation and CRM. Goldmine essentially gave birth to CRM and marketing automation. Who knew that years later, I would meet and become friends with the co-founder of GoldMine, Jon Ferrara.

And here we are in 2014…

Social selling is the rage, but many salespeople do not follow an organized process, nor do they have a system for unifying communication across multiple online channels.

CRM systems have evolved; we have social networks like LinkedIn and other tools to help us connect, better get to know and engage with customers and prospects. But to date, it has still been clunky. A salesperson’s day often consists of jumping in and out of their CRM system to research, engage on social channels and share content.

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I love Nimble because it makes a seller’s life easy. Social Selling requires developing and nurturing relationships and figuring out when to engage prospects at the right time. But how you stay on top of it all if you have to jump from your CRM system, to LinkedIn and then on over to Twitter?  That’s a big struggle for salespeople who are already stretched to the max. Nimble’s platform is a portal for all your sales conversations and public information pulled together in an all-inclusive work space. It integrates your contacts, to do items, notes, email, your CRM, sales deals and your social media connections into a single application. A godsend for anyone in sales, but nirvana for smaller businesses who don’t need complicated CRM systems.




“Nimble Insights” On Any Contact, Instantly From Any App in Your Browser

When you think about Smart Contact profiles, consider this example of how it can work for you. Let’s say you keep tabs on Who’s Viewed Your Profile in LinkedIn. You know that the CIO you want to meet just looked at your profile, but you don’t know why. You have no context. There are no clues to give you the insight you need to start a meaningful conversation. The Nimble Smart Contacts Widget changes all that.

With Nimble’s new release, a simple right click on the person’s name lets you instantly create a record and let Nimble go to work sourcing the web and social networks for real-time information about that individual. Nimble builds out their profile with their interests, the content they share or the people they talk about. Think of it as your personalized treasure map giving you some serious clues about the right way to engage.

Forget that outdated Rolodex. Using Nimble, today’s social seller is a force to be reckoned with.

Put Nimble to Work for You

Why not take the FREE 14-day Nimble Test Drive?  There is no credit card required, and you’ll be up and running in minutes. I have no doubt you’ll love the power and ease of connecting with the people who matter most to you!