Stand Out from the Social Media Crowd

Kim Garst, founder of Boom! Social and author of “Will The Real You Please Stand Up,” collaborated with our Nimble CEO Jon Ferrara to discuss why authenticity is essential to successful business relationships and social selling.


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In today’s noisy world, being transparent and sincere helps build powerful and mutually beneficial connections with our prospects. Instead of using social tools to broadcast what we can do, these platforms are wonderful opportunities to share great information and provide relevant and compelling content to our clients. We can then display our value as connections and individuals by giving without the expectation of reward.

This webinar delves into the importance of storytelling, how to build your brand, the 5 E’s of Social Business, what tools to utilize for your relationships, why your passion plan can help others grow, and more.

Don’t miss a chance to learn more from our resident social media expert and the always insightful Kim Garst.

Kim’s slides are available here: