David Roe of CMSWire recently wrote a great piece about our Smart Contacts App which is now available also on Microsoft Edge. The reason we are all so in love with the browser extension is that it allows us to use our CRM where we are already working. We can log all important information into Nimble straigh from our inbox as opposed to having open another tab, log into our CRM and log the information in there. It’s 2017 and CRM should work for us and not the

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David enojoyed his interview with our CEO Jon Ferrara who shared with him why he thinks that the Nimble Contacts App could potentionally become a disruptor of a space that’s now dominated by big enterprise CRMs. “These big, enterprise CRMs, Ferrara told CMSWire, are more appropriate for C-Suite executives and department heads, than sales people who spend the days in email inboxes and customer-facing social networks.”