5 Ways Content Marketing can Help Mobile App Businesses

You have your mobile app ready, and you are convinced of its potential to put a mark in the app marketplace. But with millions of apps groping for discoverability, it is not just quality that ensures any app enough download numbers to sustain as a business. This is why an app needs to market content through several channels to reach the target audience and engage it. The best thing about content marketing on the web is that it often comes as free or inexpensive compared to so-called media ads.

How to unleash the power of content marketing for your mobile app? Here are some tips:

1. Targeting the Right Audience

Before coming up with a content marketing strategy for your new mobile app, you should know the audience you need to focus on. By knowing your audience, you can target them with the right type of content. The best way to get an idea of the right type of content to market your app is to study the apps of your niche and competitors content strategy. A content strategy must take into account the audience preferences, and this is why it is important to come up with user personas. Identify the typical pain points, challenges, and likings of the user persona in respect of content. Here are some effective tips:

  • If it is an app for the B2B audience, you can safely target company CEOs, corporate employees, and small business strategists.
  • If it is an app for millennials, don’t forget their love for emojis, memes, and GIFs.
  • In the case of mobile app targeted towards senior users, try to be conversational and offer space to vent their opinions.
  • To gain further insights about what your potential users want from your apps, visit forums of your niche.
  • Buzzsumo.com is a great tool to help you understand what people are sharing on social media for every niche topic.

  • Study the popular questions of your niche on Quora and use them to come up with content that is perfect as resources about the query.

2. App Store Optimization (ASO)


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In your content strategy, you cannot miss the marketplace listing where your app will be featured. Known widely as App Store Optimisation, this process allows you to give your Store listing and discoverability a solid boost with keyword optimized app description along with few visual elements that describe your app best.

  • First of all, you need to include the most searched-for keyword of your niche in the app title.
  • Write a short and crisp description that showcases the unique value proposition of the app for your audience. You need to optimize the description with one or two most searched for keywords of your niche to boost discoverability.
  • As for using keywords always focus on using the long tail ones to cut through completion easily.
  • Provide high-resolution screenshots of your app to give a visual feel of your app to the users.
  • You can also use short video content to describe your app’s key potential and USPs in brief.

3. Generate Pre-Launch Buzz about the App

These days marketing initiatives begin long before a digital product is actually launched. It is true for mobile apps as well. Your content marketing should continue to gear up to make the launch an effective event. The content published across the channels should endeavor to create buzz around the app so that when it’s launched it readily gets discovered. Here are some ways to do it effectively.

  • Create social pages for your new app and publish a variety of contents including development stories, short videos, interesting memes, images, GIFs about your app.
  • Reach out to industry influencers with the concept and USPS of your upcoming app. Create buzz before launch through email marketing.
  • Create a single page website for the app and start publishing contents with SEO efforts to gain traffic.
  • Publish banner ads on your new app on the website to tell your traffic about the upcoming app and its benefits.
  • Publish guest blogs and social media posts with deep links to your new website for the upcoming app.

4. Make Your Community Presence Big

Every business niche has a community around it where new things are shared and discussed upon. Industry forums and niche business forums are places where you can tell people about your new app with a valuable piece of contents. For instance, if you have launched a travel app, you can take part in the conversation of travel forums and offer valuable answers while providing links to contents that are relevant to the discussion topic.

Some link sharing online bookmarking sites can also come to your aid in a great way. You can answer to relevant questions of your niche in Quora and offer relevant links of your contents and app page. You can write expert blogs and articles on Hubspot, LinkedIn, Ezine Articles, Tumblr and share links on Reddit to drive traffic to your app page and also to the website built for your app.

5. Can You Make It Spread Like Fire

A content that spreads like fire counting millions of views just overnight will give an app unthought of mileage it never hoped for. Such is the effect when contents get viral making an app popular like never before. So, when creating content and publishing it, you also need to look for giving it something that makes people want to share it. While there is no tested formula to make a content viral, you can ensure giving your contents the following qualities to enhance the chances of going viral.

  • Emotion: your contents should evoke some emotional reaction including happiness, mirth, anger, fear or nostalgia.
  • Vanity: let people feel proud of sharing something that represents their personal taste.
  • Value: your contents can be shared by a lot of people if it provides real value for many users. Tips, statistics, researches, studies, etc. come into this category.

If you want to make contents your primary strength for marketing an app, you need to be proactive and creative with your content strategy. Unlike media ads, content marketing demands more vigilant and creative engagement.