Pravda Media Group: Quadrupling Deals with Nimble!

About Pravda Media

Kfir Pravda is the CEO of Pravda Media Group, a digital marketing firm  that helps international B2B tech companies build a robust funnel, starting from awareness to sales. This is achieved by using inbound and outbound marketing techniques, B2B social media marketing, original content creation, and cutting-edge marketing technologies. The company, based in Israel, is focused on measuring the impact of digital marketing programs through cross funnel KPI measurement and ROI analysis.

Kfir Pravda, CEO, Pravda Media Group

The Original Challenge: Contacts, Contacts, Everywhere!

Kfir started using Nimble as a client challenged with the task of managing many contact databases. He and his team were juggling relationships across LinkedIn, personal Rolodexes, Twitter and other social channels. The company’s active email contacts alone spanned two decades. Maintaining their contact universe was a challenge.

Another challenge was managing Pravda Media’s sales funnel efficiently. The tool they were using was missing something important — a richly detailed view of each contact, in context.

“Our deals sometimes involve many people within a prospect’s team. With Nimble, I could easily see who we already knew, their current title, and responsibilities. Instantly, I could relate to that person — and know them.”  “It was a real WOW moment,” says Pravda. “With Nimble, suddenly I was able to have useful insight into my own database. Our leads were already there, but now I was able to act on them.”

“This is a very significant advantage. We sell to b2b tech companies who sell worldwide. It’s a closed ecosystem, and the ability to use these insights to stay organized, ups our game.

The Funnel Improves; The Pipeline Speeds Up

The Pravda team has been able to organize their funnel to streamline the sales pipeline. They make good use of several Nimble features (like Saved Search, Stay in Touch, and Mark as Important) as well as Custom Fields to support followups in a much more productive way.


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“We’ve been using Custom Fields as a way to help us sell marketing automation tools. Using the External Website feature on Nimble, we’ve connected a site that tells us what code customers are using, and that field gives us good information. When the field identifies a code type, we know what to say, and when the field is empty, we’ve obviously identified a need for that prospect.”

In-Person Events — Transformed Using Nimble Networking Techniques

The company uses Nimble to help flesh out great relationships that begin at in-person meetups.

“Once we identify how people heard about us,” explains Pravda. “then the Nimble value kicks in. With the first and last name and an email address, the Nimble record blooms. Not only can we make a list for the event, but we can see that person’s details, interests, and photo. At the event, I can use Nimble Mobile to match people with their pictures and start to develop the relationship more quickly and genuinely.”

“It’s changed the whole way we network. At the end of the day, we have a much better idea of who our hot leads are and can build the full picture much more efficiently.”

Introducing and Tailoring Nimble to Clients

As he experienced the positive changes Nimble brought to his own business, Pravda began introducing Nimble to his clients. He found that he could identify and then create relevant processes to support their specific workflows.

“We have set up processes for our clients to use Nimble for instance,  for activities like managing analyst relations and investor relations. Using Nimble, they can manage these segments with Tags, nurture them, and never lose touch.”

“We’ve helped clients use IT Database, SocialBro, and Nimble together to gain an advantage in press coverage, too. They can easily see what interests specific journalists who cover their business and their competitors. It’s a matter of creating a Twitter list and importing it into Nimble. Then they can monitor the list to identify story angles most likely to resonate with a reporter and make it more likely to achieve coverage. It’s like magic.”

The Proof Is in the Metrics

“One of our clients didn’t have a CRM at all, so we customized Nimble for their use. They managed to reduce the amount of time it takes them to understand and direct efforts in their funnel by 25%. They tell us that their periodic 2-hour meetings got much shorter, saving their top performers an entire workday every quarter. And unlike some other CRM systems, the employee who manages the Nimble activities can be entry level – it’s easy for to use.

“Nimble not only helped us uncover hidden value in our own existing database, it helped us to increase both its size and quality. It was a game changer. In one year, we’ve been able to handle 3-4 times as many deals — because we’re making focused followups with context. We just love Nimble.”

Find Pravda Media Group and Kfir Pravda on Twitter.

Illustration: A December #B2BTalks Pravda Media Group in-person event.