Nimble Adds New Deal Pipelines to Mobile Apps

Nimble Updates Mobile Apps

We are excited to announce we’ve updated our Nimble mobile Apps to support our newly Redesigned Deal Pipeline features. These updates are available for both our iOS and Android apps.

As you may have heard, we recently soft-launched our new Redesigned Nimble Deals Feature. Now with our updated mobile apps, you can start using our redesigned Deals features, including customized fields, while you are on the go.


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Nimble Recently Announced Redesigned Deals

Our Deals functionality has been redesigned from the ground up with new features to enhance your sales process experience. These new features include custom fields, deal tags, a detailed changelog, currency options, and more! You can read in-depth about our New Redesigned Deals here

Previously, our New Redesigned Deals were only functional on the desktop version of Nimble and in our browser plug-in Nimble Prospector

This update enables viewing, creating, and editing new Deals on mobile, including the ability to view and edit New Deal Basic and Custom Deal Fields. 

Deep Dive New Deal Features on Mobile Apps

Now, with these new updates on mobile, you can view, create, and edit New Deals. Being able to utilize our new Deals features on mobile makes managing your contacts and Deals pipelines on the go easier

Viewing New Deals on Mobile

You can view New Deals in the mobile app in two places. First, you can find New Deals in the contact record through the contact interactions

The second place you will find New Deals is in the Deals tab. To begin viewing New Deals through the Deals tab, select “Deals” at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on the filter icon in the top left corner will display a list of your Pipelines. From here, you can choose to view either your legacy pipelines or New Deals pipelines.

Creating a New Deal in Mobile

To create a deal with our New Deals, start by selecting “Deals” at the bottom of the screen. Click the plus icon in the top right corner to create a deal. Select the New Deal pipeline you would like to add a New Deal to. To create a New Deal pipeline, you must create it on the web browser version of Nimble first.

View and Edit Custom Fields

The final feature included in this update is the ability to view and edit custom fields in Deals. A custom field on your Deal card lets you capture vital information personalized to each Deal. To add a custom field, you must first add it on the desktop version of Nimble. On the mobile view of your Pipelines, you will not be able to add new custom fields to a Pipeline. 


The ability to access custom fields in New Deals on mobile means accessing in-depth information that is personalized to each deal on the go, wherever you are

What’s Next for Nimble Deals on Mobile?

We’re not quite finished with the Deals updates for mobile just yet! In the future, Nimble users can expect to see the ability to add and edit tags on Deals, a new UI to show deeper Deal details and history, and a Kanban Board view of mobile Deals

Stay in Touch

Keep an eye out for upcoming Nimble Updates, and don’t forget to read about our latest updates by checking out our Product Updates Blog!

For a complete Nimble’s Deal Feature Overview, feel free to read our Nimble Deals Overview Support Article.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected], initiate a chat from this FAQ, or join one of our Nimble Onboarding and Best Practices sessions, held every weekday at 9 AM PT.