As a salesperson, it’s imperative to know exactly when your warm prospects are engaging with your email outreach. This is why Nimble’s new Email Tracking widget was designed to help you keep your finger on the pulse of all of your email activity by consolidating it in one easy-to-access platform, which can be easily accessed everywhere you work.
It’s now simpler and faster than ever to follow up with your most engaged hot prospects and potential customers as soon as you sign into your Nimble account. With our Email Tracking widget, you’ll know exactly how your group email marketing campaigns and individual tracked messages are performing on the Today Page dashboard.

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Accessing the Email Tracking Widget
The Email Tracking widget shows you a running stream of your outbound email activity, which will help to optimize your open rates and engagement. Whether it’s on a bulk marketing email sent through Group Messages or an individually tracked sales email or cold email address, you will see the latest engagements from your targets. Check out the latest recipient opens or see which one of your contacts clicked a link to identify new opportunities for engagement.
On your Today Page dashboard, select “Manage Widgets” and then “Email Tracking.”
How does the Email Tracking Widget work?
The Email Tracking widget shows real-time notifications from your individually tracked emails and Group Message campaigns. You’ll see a sortable, running stream of contacts that opened your email, click links, download attachments, or reply back to you.
If you’re like us, you and your sales teams are tracking messages sent via Group Messages and single individual messages over Nimble on the web, in Gmail, or on mobile. We make it easy to sort message tracking by single or group messages to help you sift through the activity and find the right prospects.
Follow Up on Engagements to Drive Results
In addition to seeing your engagements, you can quickly take action directly from the widget to send follow-up emails to your hottest prospects. Simply select the message envelope while on the activity report to email clients straight from Nimble. This is also available on our Nimble iOS app for engaging with top contacts while mobile.
How to get started
Learn how to get started on our FAQ page. Our Email Tracking widget is one of many widgets available on our Today Page dashboard for all Nimble plans! If you do not have a Nimble account yet, we invite you to try it for free for 14 days.