Don’t Be a Fantasy Social Seller

Professional football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Over the past few years, a related interest has arisen – Fantasy Football. Fantasy Football is based on individual player stats, not a team’s Won-Loss record. The difference provides some insights into how people approach Social Selling differently.

Professional Social Selling

Fantasy Social Selling

Focused on winning new clients

Focused on growing statistics like # of connections, views, likes,…

Played by professionals

Played by wanna-be amateurs


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Requires a commitment to regular training

No commitment to training required

Has a playbook, often involving others

Centers on individual decisions

Well versed in the fundamentals of the game

Skips fundamentals to rush into the game

Values relationships over the long haul

Anxious to acquire the “hot” people

So, what does it take to be a professional social seller and have a high rating inside the Social Selling Red Zone? Here are three tips:

  1. Read the Field – In social selling, this means reading what prospects post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other social sites. Find out their priorities, tendencies, and biases before determining your strategy. You’ll score points by showing that you’ve done your homework
  2. Vary Your Approach – Sometimes you might make a comment in a LinkedIn Group made up mostly of your prospects in order to gain their attention. Other times you might request an introduction to an ideal prospect from a common connection. The more you use various approaches, the more options you’ll have to win.
  3. Get Others to Buy In – People cannot score by themselves. Involve others in your cause by commenting on someone’s Update or posing a thought-provoking question of your own. Get the group moving toward your goal.

Photo Credit: Jayel Aheram