Top 19 Real Estate Pros to Follow on Clubhouse

Real Estate Clubhouse

In a digital-dominant world, new social platforms are popping up left and right to help people connect with their community and discover new groups of people with common interests. With that being said, Clubhouse is an emerging audio-chat iPhone app that launched in April 2020. 

People use Clubhouse to join learning sessions with influencers in various fields and to connect with like-minded people. Right now, the app is invitation-only, but should be rolling out to a wider audience soon!

If you’re in real estate and looking for tips on how to build your network to ultimately sell more properties, and are not yet on Clubhouse, go get yourself the invite to join. If you are already on Clubhouse and have not poked around enough yet, we highly recommend you do so. 

If you’ve been spending some time on Clubhouse, then you probably know that there’s one room that seems to be always on: Real Estate Agent & Broker Lounge: Networking, Marketing & 🚀 How is it possible? It’s a mystery, but we support it!

That being said, Clubhouse is a great place to start to network, learn, and explore clubs to join.

What is Clubhouse and Why Do You Want an Invite?

Clubhouse is the newest social networking app that lets people access audio chat rooms to discuss their favorite topics; business, leisure, and everything in between.


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Rooms are usually divided into two groups: the hosts and the audience (participants can see a list of everyone in a conversation in real-time). Unlike Twitter, Clubhouse is a closed platform: the moderator oversees peripheral discussions and has the ability to let someone chime in, or to kick out someone who might be distracting the rest of the audience. 

In addition to the “clubs” sorted by topic, two or more users can join together and start their own chat rooms. This environment really cultivates a collaborative ambiance that is perfect for growing your real estate network, whether you connect with other realtors or potential clients.

The Importance of Building Your Real Estate Network & Personal Brand 

Your real estate network and personal branding strategy reflect who you are as an individual and as a real estate professional. Standing out from the crowd of your competition and secure more business opportunities while securing even more potential deals should be your driving focus every day.

If you execute your real estate branding strategy correctly, grow and nurture your network by making sure you touch your most important contacts on a regular basis and engage with new people, you’ll have referral business left and right. Clubhouse can definitely help you do all of these things, and have fun doing them! Make new connections, learn from industry-leading real estate experts, and make yourself known. 

The Top Real Estate-Centric Clubs to Join on Clubhouse 

Clubhouse can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. In order to help you make the most out of the new social media platform, we’ve rounded up some of the top real estate rooms for you to check out. Once you join a given club, you’ll be notified when a room is live. 

You can also follow other people in the club to see if they also have rooms you can join!

  • Real Estate Networking
  • The Zillowkiller Network | Online Advertising Discussions For The Real Estate Industry
  • Infinite Money Group
  • Buying The Block – Real Estate Development
  • Real Estate
  • Luxury Real Estate
  • Building a Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Business
  • Women in Insurance, Real Estate & Mortgage Marketing Secrets

Read the Room to Identify Real Estate Networking Opportunities

Once you start checking out the different real estate-centric rooms on Clubhouse, you can start honing in on who else is there with you. Consider it like “reading the room” at any social event (if you can remember those, at this point); hundreds of people listen to the conversations these real estate influencers participate in. 

While you listen, you can quickly check out the profiles of other people in the audience to determine if they may be a good person to network with. Raise your hand, ask questions, offer your side of the story, and take the opportunity to show your expertise!

Engage with people that are asking questions even if they aren’t your ideal clients. If you’re helpful and having conversations, people will notice and follow you on social media. They’ll surely start sending referrals your way or even ask for your help finding a new home. 

Developing relationships with influencers within the real estate space and engaging in conversations with them can really pay off, as they can help you significantly increase your reach. 

Once you’re in, make sure to take notes, raise your hand, and engage with your fellow participants!

So, You Got into Clubhouse… Now What?

Come in and click on the profiles of the moderators, follow them, set up how you want to be informed about their activity, follow them on Twitter and/or Instagram, and don’t forget to scroll all the way down to check the clubs they are part of.

Here are some of the top real estate influencers who are very active on Clubhouse in real estate rooms, sharing tips and answering questions on a regular basis. You can also check their other social platforms to see how they brand themselves and how they build their network!