Picture this: you just had a great sales meeting that could land a huge opportunity for your team. You came to the office full of ambitions and plans. You are impressed, inspired, and hopeful at the same time.
So, how can you seal the deal?
The answer is by writing a thoughtful, personal thank you email. In this article, we will discuss how to write a thank you letter after a sales meeting to turn a potential client into a reliable partner.
It’s important to demonstrate your gratefulness and wellness of intent to either potential and existing partners and clients. Transparency and politeness keep the world of business afloat. And if you are experiencing difficulties with keeping all of your partner/client communication personalized, use Nimble CRM to make your life significantly easier while keeping everything in an automated individual order.
What is a Thank You Email?
A follow-up thank you email after a sales meeting is exactly what it sounds like: a message thanking your prospect for their time. Although it may seem simple, it is an essential part of creating reliable business relations.
There are many ways to tell a person that you appreciate the opportunity to get acquainted with them. A standard email, postcard or a short Skype message tend to be the most appropriate methods.
3 Main Reasons to Say Thank You After the Sales Meeting
It is necessary to send a thank you email after job interviews, sales meetings, meetings with business partners, etc. It is not only about politeness; it is a way to demonstrate your professionalism and aptitude. Besides, there are more reasons to say thanks in your follow-up email after sales meeting:
A Quick Reminder
With a thank you email, you remind your potential client about yourself, your company, and the meeting you had. Additionally, you highlight the benefits of your cooperation once more. Visual perception works better; if you emphasize the perks of choosing your product or service over the rest in the email once more, it may be a push to sign a profitable business contract.
Additional Value
If you felt as though your potential customer had lingering doubts at the end of your meeting, you may decide to offer them more beneficial conditions. A thank you letter is a good chance to describe those.
Business Communication Improvement
In the world of business relations, it is essential to keep in mind the importance of human relations. The thank you email is a way to demonstrate your friendliness. Additionally, this is a chance to become a more interesting business partner than those who didn’t find the time for personal emails.
Must-Have Elements of a Good Thank You Email
Before determining how to write a thank you email after a sales meeting, let’s discuss what goes into a successful follow-up email:
Remember that you are writing an official letter to your potential business partner or hiring manager. Be polite and professional in everything you say.
The text needs to catch the reader’s attention. It needs to leave a positive impression that people will surely remember.
Structure of Thank You email
The letter should be exceptionally well-structured.
The irreplaceable elements of a thank you letter are:

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- A proper subject line for a thank you email after your meeting
- A personalized greeting
- An introduction paragraph
- The body that includes the goals of business conversation to be achieved
- The specific reference your meeting is associated with
- The summary of the meeting
- Signature
How to Write a Thank You Email after Sales Meeting
Follow these simple steps to create a letter that will leave the best impression:
Say Thank You
Although it is obvious that you need to say thank you in your follow-up email, some professionals forget about it while trying to provide other sales-related information. It’s important to say you appreciate the time they devoted to you and describe your own impressions from the meeting with words like:
- I enjoyed our conversation;
- I think our meeting was very important;
- It was nice to meet you, etc.
Apologize If Something Went Wrong
You cannot control all the aspects of your business meeting. If you were late because of a traffic jam on the freeway, it may be interpreted as rudeness or problems with self-organization. Saying you are sorry once more in a thank you letter would be appreciated.
Remind Your Prospect of the Specifics of Your Meeting
Your potential business partner may have a dozen meetings a week. Your thank you letter may get lost or forgotten about among the rest of the correspondence. Remind them of the day and add a specific fact that will refresh your meeting in their mind. For example, if you had great coffee, or if it was raining cats and dogs on the day you met, mention it.
Use the things you have in common to recall more attention to your letter. For example, if you studied at the same school or you have the same previously discussed interests, include it in your letter.
Summarize What You Talked About
We recommend taking notes during the meeting. This way, you won’t miss something important. Summarize these notes and add them to the text of your email, too. This will help you to make sure that you both have the same vision of your future cooperation. If some miscommunication occurs, you will get the opportunity to quickly fix it.
Arrange the Next Meeting
If your meeting had a positive outcome, you need to arrange the next meeting. If some of the points you discussed remain unclear, you need an additional conversation, too. Your thank you email may also include a time and date suggestion for the next meeting.
Add a Signature
Your email and your name should be associated with your brand or your company and its logo. Always add a signature to your emails; create it if you don’t have one. Keep in mind that you are your brand’s ambassador and should present yourself as such.
Mistakes to Avoid in Thank you emails
Although writing a thank you letter seems to be a piece of cake, some entrepreneurs fail at this task. We compiled a list of mistakes you need to be aware of:
Subject Line Is Not Relevant to Content
If your goal is to send a thank you letter, make sure you are actually sending a thank you letter. Stick to the defined structure; avoid writing about yourself, promoting your company, or asking for a favor. Show your gratitude, not your demands.
Misspelling Names
If you met someone named John, your thank you email needs to start with the words “Hello John.” If you met John, make sure you are going to send the email to his exact address. Check the name twice.
Additional tip: if you talked to more than one person, include them all in the email.
Withholding Additional Contact Information
Email is a convenient way to keep in touch with someone, but it’s not the best one. Add all possible ways to reach out to you, including your Skype contact and phone number.
Use Nimble’s Trackable Email Templates for Thank Yous
If you have a template of a thank you letter, it doesn’t mean you can use it in every case. Add a touch of personalization, customize the template, and adjust it to every particular situation to keep it professional.
In order to help you send more effective outreach, Nimble offers trackable email templates that can be sent to highly targeted groups at scale.
When used effectively, email templates can streamline your outreach workflow and increase your open rates, thus improving the probability of people RSVPing to your events. If you’d like to see them in action try Nimble’s free trial.
Sending an Email that is Too Long or Too Short
The recipient has 40 seconds to read your email; after this time their attention is lost. Don’t be boring; keep it short and informative.
On the flip side, avoid writing emails that are too short or impersonal. Follow our guide below for the best results.
Forgetting about the Grammar
There is nothing worse than mistakes in your business letter. Read your email over carefully before sending it, use grammar-checking software to correct the mistakes, and only send out proofread emails.
Top Five Tips for Writing a Great Thank You Email
Now that you know what pitfalls to avoid, let’s clarify what practices will help you to make your email even better. Here are our top tips on writing thank you email after a sales meeting:
Send It Right Away
Generally, we highly recommend sending a thank you email one to three days after the meeting. It is better to remind your potential partner about yourself right away when the information about the outcome is still fresh in your minds.
Add Personalization
Aside from adding your recipient’s name, it’s pertinent to add some information specific to your meeting. Show them that human relations are no less important to you than professional ones.
Be Useful
During the meeting, you found out a lot about your potential partner, Analyze the information and think about what you can say, mention, or offer to provide extra value to the recipient.
Keep It Professional
Always remember: even if the atmosphere at the meeting was quite friendly, you must keep it professional. This is about business relations. Consider your words: avoid clichés, jargon, overly sophisticated phrases, and the like. Keep your email professional and clear.
Make It Readable
Your email should be easy to read. Use bulleted lists, simple language, and succinct sentences. Divide the plain text into paragraphs for the best result.
Be Honest and Positive
If you know for sure it is impossible to start the cooperation right now, let the recipient know about it. Even if your meeting didn’t bring the value right away, you still may build a partnership in the future. Each meeting brings you more experience and new connections.
Successful Examples for Inspiration
To implement these practices properly, take a look at some sources of inspiration. Here is a thank you letter after a sales meeting sample:
Hi [Name],
It was a great pleasure to meet you today. I enjoyed learning more about [Company’s Name], your specifics, and your goals for this year.
I summarized the key points we discussed today. Let me know if anything needs further clarification or discussion:
We discussed …
We came to the conclusion…
Some of the points remain unclear for me. Can we please arrange an additional meeting next week? Here are a few dates that work for me:
May X at noon
May X at 12:30
May X at noon
Also, you mentioned that you participated in [Name] Conference last month. Can you provide a link to the video? I’d love to share it with my team.
[Name, Signature]
As you can see, all the essential elements are present in this thank you letter.
Hello [Name],
Thank you very much for the meeting we had last Friday, May X. I enjoyed the conversation and I believe it was really productive.
Regarding our conversation:
We discussed …
You pointed out …
You need…
Unfortunately, our company [Company’s Name] cannot provide you with the services you need.
But if you don’t mind, I would like to recommend our partner [Company’s Name]. Can I share the reference here? Or is it better to arrange another meeting to talk about this?
I am available on the following dates:
May X at noon
May X at 12:00
Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a very good day!
[Name, Signature]
Here, we can see that although the deal cannot be closed at the moment, it is still possible to keep in touch. This is a great way to occupy a reputable position in your niche.
Final Thoughts
The thank you letter is one of the essential steps you need to take in order to grow mutually beneficial business relations with your new partners. Although this task may seem obvious and easy, some entrepreneurs skip it and lose their opportunities.
With our guide, you’ll get a great chance to overcome the competitors and arrive at the expected results twice as fast.