Nimble Infographics

Great Saleswomen: A Historical Timeline (1717-Present) [Infographic]

Today we present a co-branded infographic from Nimble and Postwire. We thought it was time the great saleswomen of history got a place in the sun. Here is a look at just a few of the remarkable women who have inspired and empowered so many. Often unsung during their lifetimes, these women have always known the value of “social selling,” as their stories prove. The modern iconic saleswomen (e.g., Anneke Seley) stands on the shoulders of giants and to her and all the others who carry the banner (I’m talking to you, Shebang Sisters), we raise a glass.

Great Saleswomen: A Historical Timeline (1717-Present) [Infographic] Read More »

The Customer Lifecycle Part 1: The Prospective Customer

In the customer lifecycle, the prospective customer begins to become aware and to form a picture of your company — hazy at first, then solidified by what they discover and experience. A lot of the information that customers absorb — and a lot of the opinions that customers form — are in place before any representative of your company has a personal interaction with that prospect.

The Customer Lifecycle Part 1: The Prospective Customer Read More »