Today we present a co-branded infographic from Nimble and Postwire. We thought it was time the great saleswomen of history got a place in the sun. Here is a look at just a few of the remarkable women who have inspired and empowered so many. Often unsung during their lifetimes, these women have always known the value of “social selling,” as their stories prove. The modern iconic saleswomen (e.g., Anneke Seley) stands on the shoulders of giants and to her and all the others who carry the banner (I’m talking to you, SALES Shebang®), we raise a glass.
Please check the end of this post for lots more resources about and for women in sales!
In case you want to follow and learn more about the women titans of sales, here are some resources:

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Saleswomen You Should Know
A great list to follow is this one — the women of SALES Shebang®:
Alice Heiman @aliceheiman
Alice Kemper @bestsalestips
Andrea Waltz @GoforNo
Anneke Seley @annekeseley
Ardath Albee @ardath421
Babette Ten Haken @babettetenhaken
Barbara Giamanco @barbaragiamanco
Barbara Weaver Smith @bweaversmith
Bernadette McClelland @b_mcclelland
Carolyn Coradeschi @ccoradeschi
Colleen Francis @cfrancisvoice
Colleen Stanley @EiSelling
Danita Bye @danitabye
Debbie Mrazek @debbiemrazek
Gretchen Gordon @BraveheartSales
Janice Mars @janicemars
Jennifer Leake @consultantsgold
Jill Harrington @JillSalesSHIFT
Jill Konrath @jillkonrath
Joanne Black @referralsales
Julie Hansen @acting4sales
Karin Bellantoni @blueprintsms
Kendra Lee @kendraleekla
Krista Moon @kristamoon
Laura Posey @lauraposey
Lauren Bailey @factor8sales
Laurie Page @lauriepage7
Leisa M. Erickson @LeisaMErickson
Lisa Dennis @knowledgence
Lisa Leitch @teneoresults
Lisa Magnuson @lisa_magnuson
Lisa Nirell @lisa_nirell
Lori Richardson @scoremoresales
Lynn Hidy @upyourtelesales
Melinda Emerson @smallbizlady
Nancy Bleeke @salesproinsider
Nancy Nardin @sellingtools
Trish Bertuzzi @bridgegroupinc
Books written by (or for) Saleswomen
- All of the Jill Konrath books (because they’re all by Jill!)
- Conversations that Sell: Collaborate with Buyers and Make Every Conversation Count by Nancy Bleeke and Jill Konrath
- The New Handshake: Sales Meets Social Media by Joan C. Curtis and Barbara Giamanco
- Women Make the Best Salesmen: Isn’t It Time You Started Using Their Secrets? by Marion Luna Brem
- To Sell Is Human by Daniel Pink (I know he’s a man, but his title shows he has a strong feminine side)
- The Social Media Sales Revolution: The New Rules for Finding Customers, Building Relationships, and Closing More Sales Through Online Networking by Landy Chase

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