6 Content Marketing Hacks That Increase Sales

We’re all sick of reading about content marketing. Increase length, create flawless infographics; keywords, keywords, keywords. We get it. But the truth is, it works.

Which is probably why everyone is doing it. So with all the competition, how do you stand out?

People are getting more and more creative with the way that they approach content marketing. Panda isn’t a new thing, you can’t plug and play a few keywords and land on Page 1. If you want to reach your audience, you have to have guts. That means blending tried and true content marketing with innovative growth hacks.

To get you started, I’ve come up with six creative content marketing hacks that you can shape uniquely for your business. See how they can help you stand out above the crowd right from the start.

Make Sharing Irresistible

Everybody tweets. And with so many sound bites that can fit right into your feed, it’s hard for most people to decide what’s the most effective 140-character piece to publish. So why not make it easy for them?

When you’re writing your next blog, try incorporating a “Click to Tweet” javascript link, with a premade tweet ready to go. Here’s an example from HubSpot—incidentally from their post on how create one of these links:

Rather than waiting for their readers to feel inspired enough to write a tweet of their own, they’ve made sharing as easy as one click. Everything down to the link back is taken care of!

Don’t Let Them Off Easy

Sometimes, when the competition gets stiff, you have to be a little aggressive. That doesn’t mean be annoying, but it does mean that you can be more confident about your product.

Next time you throw out a call-to-action, make the stakes a little higher. Don’t just ask a yes or no question, let them know what it really means to sign up for your service. Here’s what Neil Patel does on Quick Sprout:


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Rather than simply missing out on Neil’s service, customers who click “No” are also clicking “I have enough traffic.” And unless those people are highways in Los Angeles, I think we all know how ridiculous that kind of claim is.

Here is a good resource to help you learn why your traffic isn’t converting.

Get a Little Trigger Happy

We can admit it: people are a little A.D.D. these days. But it’s not their fault! There are too many distractions to stay focused on just one thing. The problem is that it leaves myriad websites with abandoned shopping carts, half-finished tasks, and unfulfilled sign-ups. That’s where triggered emails become your best friend.

Using a triggered email program is worlds different than a simple email blast. You’re targeting emails not only based on preferences but also based on behavior—and that means that you’re establishing a more personal connection with your potential customer.

As a bonus, check out this list of different triggered emails you can use right now.

Invite a Guest Over

While some folks over at Google’s Webmaster’s office may look down upon some of the negative behaviors associated with guest blogging (like paid backlinks), I know you’ll take advantage of this great idea for the right reasons.

Guest blogging is a chance for new exposure. “Inviting a guest” to come blog on your site gives a new audience a chance to land on your page, and it gives another great writer a new place to publish, and gain exposure with your audience. It’s a win-win, and a great way to show cross-brand strength amongst loyal readers.

So feel free to invite a guest or two onto your company’s blog this month—just maybe not Matt Cutts.

Give Them E-More

Up-and-coming content marketing teams are focusing on eCourses and eBooks as a resource for getting more out of a potential customer. If you want to sell them your product or service, trying giving them a resource first!

Whatever you’re selling, it’s a part of an industry that has insiders and outsiders. A free eBook or eCourse is something newcomers will always find valuable as a quick and easy way to tap into industry tips. It’s something that doesn’t take long for you to create but has benefits that will long outlast your work on it.

If you’re providing those resources, you’re doing two great things at once: helping to strengthen your brand as a voice of authority in your industry, and gaining the loyalty of a customer in need.

Hitch a Ride

There’s no shame in using current products and resources to get your word out in a new way. When Hotmail was first hitting it big, they tacked sign up offers onto their users’ email signatures (think “sent from my iPhone” with a hyperlink) to get more people to sign up for their free email service.

There are easy, non-spammy opportunities for you to encourage engagement all around. From social media posts to feedback surveys, it’s all about knowing where to look. Not sure where to start? Try a “Read More” link in your next blog!

Content marketing hacks are no shortcut for good work—they’re the product of combining knowledge with creativity. You can use any one of these great hacks today. The secret is in making them your own. You’ll be surprised how well your customers will respond.