Achieving inbox-zero status provides busy individuals with a temporary sanctuary from marketers and service providers. While creative content and puns can help you keep some customers or potential users satisfied, others are in need of more convincing if they are to help you realize a higher CTR and a lower bounce rate. Knowing this, companies must make clever use of their email marketing campaigns before hastily clicking the send button.
Having understood the need for quality email marketing, service providers now offer tools for marketing professionals and companies to work with in order to launch engaging email marketing campaigns. By combining these and other products related to social media management and analytics, you should be ready to more effectively communicate with your subscribers and/or new potential users.
For instance, GetResponse offers a number of features to help you deliver quality email marketing to a targeted group of recipients. This point is incredibly valuable, especially considering the need to deliver relevant customer experiences to a target audience. Another company, Wisestamp, has redefined email signatures by incorporating social media widgets in a visually pleasing and memorable manner.
These and similar companies offer user-friendly tools designed to make the process of sending out targeted and well-designed emails as seamless as possible.
Below is a look into 5 main features that can help you unleash a more effective email marketing campaign:
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– Autoresponders: A critical tool for reaching out to new subscribers, autoresponders offer marketers the ability to reach out to their new client base at pre-designated times and with a clear message at hand. When integrated with a calendar, they can help you stay updated regarding important dates for you to contact specific clients.
– Email design and signatures templates: Email marketing requires both well thought out content as well as eye-pleasing visuals. With various templates to choose from, you can plan out the layout of your email to better engage viewers. Also, adding shareable links and widgets are also a great way for people to learn more about you. Quick tip: check to make sure the designs still look great on mobile devices.
– Landing page creators: Often, emails are used as mediums to direct clients to your company’s actual products and services. By investing in a well-organized landing page with a clear call to action and relevant keywords, your company may find itself with a higher conversion rate and hungry prospective clients.
– A/B testing: Determining exactly which words our layout in your email will attract the most clicks and increase engagement often requires a process of trial and error. By using A/B testing methods, you will be able to test out different campaigns on a small sample before unleashing the final version. Sit back and see which email is more popular. If needed, you can make some alterations to better suit your audience’s needs.
– Email intelligence: Data, data, data. While we can all (hopefully) boast to having high quality content writers as part of our team, statistics on the actual performance of our email campaigns are crucial to understanding where we went wrong and right. This includes not only information on the actual number of views and CTR, but also data on how many recipients subscribed to the service once the email was viewed as well as information on the overall bounce rate.
In short, by examining these and other email marketing tools and features, your company will be both better equipped to reach out to recurring users as well as attract new potential customers.
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