Bernie Mitchell: My Interview with Seth Godin

I have to come clean here, I was over the moon when Seth said he’d podcast with me.
It took two goes, the first day the recording software crashed and I thought it was all over.

Seth Godin with engaging people

The second day I had come to my senses, after reading Seth’s books and then putting them into action (with varying degrees of success). This helped me understand that a few glitches are part of the journey.


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Probably the biggest thing I have come to understand from Seth is “shipping” – when you run out of time and run out of money you ship. Often I run out of both at the same time and have to find a way, it is easy to write that line and laugh but in reality there is an agony, when you get to that agony a few others recognise it in you because they know it too.

That little moment is when the magic happens, it moves beyond time and money and into the tribe and the network.

It becomes about making it happen and combining resources to ship it.

So we shipped this podcast and if the ones after it are better than the ones before, I am really okay with that as this project is teaching me more than anything else has for a while.

In this podcast we talk about the #Sharingeconomy, why going to lots of events and chasing investors might not be as smart as blogging and listening to David Bowie, and most importantly being a freelancer vs entrepreneur and why making sales calls is vital.

I hope you enjoy it!

You can catch “me and Seth” here in San Francisco and listen to the organizer, Lisa Gansky, chat with Emily and me here. (Thanks to for sponsoring my trip)

Here is the link to The Bootstrappers Bible and more at

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