A Guide to Productivity This Christmas

Christmas is not only the most wonderful time of the year, it’s the busiest too. Whether you’re working from home or in the office, it’s good to have a few productivity secrets under your Santa hat.

You’ll want to be focussing on decorating, wrapping, and of course, eating, but the more productive you can be in all areas of your life, the better. Lilli Hender from Office Genie has five top tips to ensure the festive season is a success.

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Time Management

Depending on how you treat it, time can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Over Christmas it’s easy to get into the habit of leaving things until last minute, especially when the deadline of the Christmas holidays is in your head.


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It shouldn’t always be a case of ‘do today what can be done tomorrow’, or vice versa; knowing how to prioritise tasks is a coveted skill. Take into account their urgency, how long they’ll take to complete, and what will be required to do so. When you have a spare minute, it can feel good to blitz a set of smaller tasks but sometimes it’s worth using that time to plan larger assignments instead.

Minimise Distractions

It’s difficult to work effectively when you’re not focussed. There are lots of reasons why you might not be giving 100% of your attention to your job but distractions in one form or another are a good place to start. Things such as being cold, hungry, or uncomfortable can have a serious impact on your day and the sooner you fix it, the better.

Not every distraction can be simply solved; stress at home, although common over Christmas, can’t be eradicated as easily as a ticking clock. If you start with little distractions, you’ll be in a better frame of mind to tackle bigger problems.

2016 Goals

At this time of year, it’s important to start thinking about January and beyond. Reflect upon the year you’ve had and work out what you would do differently and what you’d keep the same.

Write down a list this year’s achievements, not only will it help to motivate you, it’ll outline successes on which you can capitalise in the coming months. Developing an events calendar is a great way to mark key dates and prevent them passing you by.

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Keep to a routine

During busy times, sticking to a schedule can be easier said than done. While making a routine and keeping to it is tough, it will give your day the structure it needs and help you feel in control.

When a task becomes a regular commitment, checking your inbox after lunch for example, it can stop feel like an effort and more like an accepted part of the day, like showering or brushing your teeth. To-do lists aren’t for everyone but even if you only hypothetically tick something off, you’ll feel better about the day.

Look After No1

Clearly it’s important to work hard but it is Christmas after all. You’ve reached the end of the year, and some well deserved ‘me time’ is in order.

Between following these productivity measures, take some time to do things you enjoy. The festive season lends itself to treats so why not grab a mince pie on your lunch break and a mulled wine after work. Never fear, with boosted Christmas cheer can come boosted productivity!