Congratulations to the 14 winners of our Valentine’s Day “Relationships Matter” Contest. The winners will all receive one free year of Nimble!
Marketing & Sales: always a P2P process. Strategize, but remember it’s people who are involved. @nimble #relationshipsmatter

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Doing business with somebody you know well is much easier and pleasant. @nimble ♥ #relationshipsmatter
Relationship (noun): [ri-LEY-shuhn-ship] A connection, association, or involvement. Build them with @Nimble! #CRM #relationshipsmatter
@Nimble easily lets you see “engagement opportunities” for meaningful conversations about THEM not your stuff because #relationshipsmatter
Loyal customers will prefer the brands that reach their heart and mind, creating an emotional connection.#relationshipsmatter @nimble
To me, being @nimble means moving from “I have all the answers” to “Together, we have all the answers.” #relationshipsmatter
@Nimble #relationshipsmatter because without them in business you have no worth and without them in life you have no joy #deep
Love that @Nimble uses & values social media connections My relationships are rooted in social #relationshipsmatter #CRM #contest
#Sales should always be relationship-centric. We want to do business with those that we like and relate to. @nimble #relationshipsmatter
When I stopped looking for clients & started looking for relationships, my business soared! #relationshipsmatter @Nimble
@Nimble: Invest in others before you ask them to invest in you. Give ppl quality content to connect with. #relationshipsmatter
@AdelaAtak777 I am more likely to buy from a friend, hence it is wise to befriend potential buyers @Nimble #relationshipsmatter
A fav proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I’m diggin’ @Nimble because #RelationshipsMatter
Business etiquette is about relationships not rules so focus your business on relationships @nimble #relationshipsmatter #etiquette