How to turn your Microsoft Office 365 and Dynamics 365 practice into a GoldMine
Jon RiversMarketing Monarchs President | President of IAMCP Tampa Chapter
Per WerngrenChairman of the IAMCP from 2016 to 2017
Rosalyn ArntzenPresident and CEO of Amaxra
Jon FerraraCEO at Nimble | Founder of GoldMine
Dec 05, 201910 am PST / 1 pm EST
In this webinar you will learn how Microsoft Partners are using Nimble, The Simple Smart CRM for Office 365, recommended by Microsoft, to scale their Office 365 customers and profits! Build your digital transformation practice and modernize your go-to-market sales and marketing strategy using Nimble CRM + Office 365!
In this webinar:
Master online and social media technologies to reach, inform, and engage prospects and customers at scale using data-driven, customer-centric communications.
Learn actionable sales and marketing strategies to help you sell Office 365 business bundles to established business teams and lean startups.
Walk away with free sales enablement tools built for Office 365 and hands-on training to help you go-to-market faster, prospect smarter, and build more sales.
Discover the networking, business development, and educational benefits of joining the International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP).
Learn best practices on how Microsoft resellers sell Nimble to their customers and prospects, as well as the sales support resources we provide.
Marketing Monarchs President | President of IAMCP Tampa Chapter
Marketing Monarchs President | President of IAMCP Tampa Chapter
Jon has been recognized as a pioneer within the Microsoft social community for his leadership in helping partners develop a social brand and strategy. He is a frequent presenter at many of the major Microsoft focused events including Microsoft Inspire. Before starting Marketing Monarchs, Jon spent over 15 years focusing on ERP marketing in multiple technical roles. Jon sits on various boards including the IAMCP and Directions North America.
Per Werngren
Chairman of the IAMCP from 2016 to 2017
Chairman of the IAMCP from 2016 to 2017
Per created the highly adopted P2P Maturity Model based on his experience leading and growing the IAMCP, International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners and leading the growth from 4 to 44 countries where he reached annual revenue of $10 Billion in deals made between our members. The Microsoft ecosystem is his main arena and he works with partners from all over the globe as well with Microsoft.
Rosalyn Arntzen
President and CEO of Amaxra
President and CEO of Amaxra
Rosalyn is a dynamic operations and communications manager with 25 years of experience. She’s the President and CEO of Amaxra, a Microsoft Certified Gold Solutions Partner focused on implementing Microsoft technologies - including Office 365, SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft's Office Business Intelligence solutions - for customers of all sizes.
Jon Ferrara
CEO at Nimble | Founder of GoldMine
CEO at Nimble | Founder of GoldMine
CEO of Nimble A pioneer in the CRM space, Jon Ferrara has been at the forefront of customer relationship management. With Nimble, he has created a tool that works directly in your email and across the web, enabling seamless follow-ups and workflow integration.
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