Jeffrey Gitomer and Jon Ferrara have many things in common, including their passions for sales and helping other people grow. But beyond these things, they share the fundamental belief that “the basic things of life” are what strong relationships are built on. Business ideas can only bring people so far, they explain. What really stands the test of time is how people connect on the 5 F’s of life: “Family, Friends, Food, Fun and Fellowship.”
Authentic relationships underlie every step in a successful sales process.
Sales Doubling Secrets
At the top of the webinar, Gitomer explains the two main questions to keep in mind in order to double your sales:
- What’s the difference?
- Where’s the value?
Ultimately, these two things are what you as a salesperson need in order to get your customers to “like you, believe in you, have confidence in you, and ultimately buy from you,” he explains.
Gitomer then qualifies his assertions. Given the power of social proof, and the adage that especially in the age of the Internet, perception is reality, he strongly advises that you share valuable content that is “readable, useable, downloadable, shareable” in order to effectively engage and grow your business. “When it comes to sales, I promise if you put your knowledge into action every day, and stick with it over time—you will win. And win big,” he adds.
Sales Strategies for 2018
In 2018, Gitomer advises salespeople to focus on patience and self-discipline because getting great at sales happens day by day, and not all at once: “Try to implement one new sales idea or selling skill each day and fully put it into your daily practice,” he advises. “This means waking up and reading something new every day to gain knowledge that will enhance your work life. After a year’s worth of work (with vacations and off-weekends) you’ll learn two hundred fifty new techniques. After 5 years, this number will be over one thousand two-hundred fifty. This takes DISCIPLINE.”
Gitomer's Rules for Sales and Life
- The first sale made is the salesperson. If the customer doesn’t buy you, they’re not buying from you.
- People don’t like to be sold to -- but they love to buy. Create a buying atmosphere, not a selling one.
- People buy for their reasons, not your reasons. Find out their reasons first in order to effectively sell to them.
- Just because the customer is important to you, does not mean that you are important to them. Ask questions that makes customers consider new information to prove your value.
- If a customer doesn't like you, they will not listen to what you say.
- Listen with the intent to understand by executing the “secret of listening.” Take notes diligently in your CRM to reference for effective follow up.
- The old way of selling doesn’t work anymore. Move ahead to building better relationships, proving your value, and earning customer loyalty.
“Your customers want outcomes,” explains Gitomer. “Meaning, they want to see that once you’ve impressed them thoroughly with your sales pitch, you must follow through to continue with the customer retention journey. Your presentation must focus on outcome because otherwise you’re just pitching a product, and they have to decide if they’re going to buy or not.”
Perceived difference, perceived value, and outcome. This, according to Gitomer, makes up the essence of the sale.
The NEW Close
Gitomer cautions that if a sales meeting doesn’t start right, it won’t end right: “Here’s the secret: give me a prepared, friendly, engaging, different, valuable, compelling, believable, self-confident, relatable, trustworthy salesperson and I’ll give you a sale. Every time.”
He concludes: “Overall, sales is not necessarily based on a specific skill set or how well you ‘close.’ Sales is a matter of who you are, what your attitude is, how much you believe in yourself and your product, and how dedicated you are to personal excellence.”