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Nimble Growth Hacking (LIVE!) with Joel Comm

Influance of Risk-Taking, Curiosity, and Serendipity on Marketing and Sales

Webinar hosted by Jon Ferrara

Joel Comm is the New York Times best‑selling author of thirteen books and a world renowned social media entrepreneur.

Joel Comm

Aug 9, 2018 | 11 AM PDT / 2 PM EDT

Find more success in work and in life than you ever dreamed possible — by pursuing fun!

The demands of work and the breakneck pace of technological change wear heavily on all of us, whether we are employees, solo workers in the gig economy, or entrepreneurs launching a new venture. The “hustle-and-grind” lifestyle that we’ve been told is essential to success actually leads to physical ailments, emotional burnout, and a darkness in the soul.

But Joel Comm has found a better way, more fulfilling way to live.

Join us for this webinar and discover the best path to success—in work and in life—by focusing on your passions, curiosities, and the things that bring you great pleasure.

Can’t attend? Register now and we’ll send you the webinar replay so you can watch it on your time.

Joel Comm is the New York Times best‑selling author of thirteen books and a world renowned social media entrepreneur.

Joel Comm

Aug 9, 2018 | 11 AM PDT / 2 PM EDT

Find more success in work and in life than you ever dreamed possible — by pursuing fun!

The demands of work and the breakneck pace of technological change wear heavily on all of us, whether we are employees, solo workers in the gig economy, or entrepreneurs launching a new venture. The “hustle-and-grind” lifestyle that we’ve been told is essential to success actually leads to physical ailments, emotional burnout, and a darkness in the soul.

But Joel Comm has found a better way, more fulfilling way to live.

Join us for this webinar and discover the best path to success—in work and in life—by focusing on your passions, curiosities, and the things that bring you great pleasure.

Can’t attend? Register now and we’ll send you the webinar replay so you can watch it on your time.

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Joel Comm

Keynote Speaker | Author of The Fun Formula

Keynote Speaker | Author of The Fun Formula

Joel is the New York Times best-selling author of thirteen books, including The AdSense Code, Click Here to Order, KaChing, and Twitter Power 3.0. He has appeared in the New York Times, on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, on CNN online, on Fox News, and many other places. He also co-hosts The Bad Crypto Podcast. His latest book is The Fun Formula.

Jon Ferrara

CEO at Nimble | Founder of GoldMine

CEO at Nimble | Founder of GoldMine

Jon is a pioneer and creator of CRM solutions, and noted speaker on topics such as Social Media’s effects on sales and marketing. Jon’s most recent venture is Nimble, a leading Social Sales and Marketing CRM. He’s been recognized on Forbes as one of the Top 10 Social CEOs, Top 10 Social Salespeople in The World and among the Top 50 Social Business Twitter Accounts You Must Follow.

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