Empower your resumes into holistic and coherent RMS with Social Recruiting
About RChilli resume parser:
RChilli is a cloud based resume parsing service provider that helps recruiters be more efficient and productive by automating the resume reading and entry process. Capable of reading multiple formats across a number of global languages, Rchilli parser can extract a number of important data fields from any resume.
RChilli parsing with NimbleCRM:
The Nimble-RChilli integration enables recruiters to extract critical details from a resume, like Contact information, Work Experience, Education, Skills and many more. Giving you the ease of effortlessly importing all your resumes from your emails or local folders, directly into your Nimble account.
Contact screen with prefilled information from parsed resume
Build your business over Resumes -
Each resume gets parsed into a unique lead-based RMS (Resume Management system) with all its details in respective fields like first name, last name, education, experience, social data etc. It can be used as a Talent Repository for Job-boards, Recruiters and Companies who at any point in their business needs to manage resumes.
Propel your Social Recruiting-
Finer view of candidate’s details as a lead in RMS makes your hiring proficient. These details can be easily stored, updated via social media and analyzed to refine recruitment practices. Can fetch resume from desktop, Zip (Bulk) folders, Email inbox plus capable to read all formats in different languages (Euro pass, Chinese, French, Russian and many more).
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The Nimble Way to Grow Your BusinessEasily connect all of your contacts, calendars, communications and social conversations. Listen to and engage any individual in order to attract and retain the right customers. |
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