Use Multiple Social Networks to Win in Today’s Social World

We all know the reference when we say “50 Shades,” but I promise you we aren’t trying to complicate any business relationships. We’re just pointing out that Linkedin is a powerful and essential tool, but there are also many additional ways to increase your social selling efforts while furthering your LinkedIn navigation.

If you haven’t already checked out our “50 Shades of Social Selling” webinar, it’s time to learn how to nurture and build relationships with social networking guru and founder of the The Sales Foundry Kurt Shaver, and our very own Nimble CEO, Jon Ferrara.


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Kurt and Jon use this webinar platform to share their integral techniques and strategies to help cultivate your brand and grow your network. These methods include the many social shades, warm calling, the 5 E’s of engagement, social signal listening, finding your influencer network, deeper LinkedIn searches, and the levels of content sophistication.

As Jon always says, we have always done business with people we like and people we know. Now we have more tools to create authentic, pay-it-forward relationships. Please tune in to the video below to best utilize our new resources and connect on a more authentic level with your prospects.

50 Shades of Social Selling from Nimble Marketing on Vimeo.