Thanksgiving Thoughts on Gratitude From Our Nimble Community

Gratitude is an incredibly powerful emotion that benefits ourselves and all around us in so many positive ways. Many studies have been written about the positive effect of gratitude towards our personal health, relationships, and business connections.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we asked our community to share what they’re grateful for in 2016. We hope that you will enjoy their answers and that they will inspire you.

Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble
“I’m very grateful for my health because without health, we have nothing. I’m grateful for my family and friends including every moment I get to spend with them. I am also grateful for the opportunity to serve others because I believe we are on this planet to grow our souls and help others grow theirs. That’s why it’s so important to be present with the people you love and cherish. Finally I am grateful for this beautiful planet we live on. I continue to be delighted by each and every day including each sunrise and sunset. It’s amazing to see the magic unfold each day.”

Mitch Jackson, Award Winning Lawyer and Author of Overnight Success!

“Living with an attitude of gratitude just makes life more exciting and meaningful. The holiday season is a great reminder and opportunity to do just that while reaching out and helping others. Hug your family, friends, and neighbors and let them know how much they mean to you. Live by example and make each day your masterpiece.”

Brian Fanzo, Speaker, Entrepreneur & Change Evangelist


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“There is so much noise in the world today that it’s becoming harder and harder for brands and entrepreneurs to stand out from the noise. Ironically, the easiest and simplest way to stand out and truly be remembered is doing what my parents taught me at a young age. Treat others how you want to be treated. I use the hashtag #ShowUcare as so many people ask me how did I get noticed by this brand or how did I get on this person’s radar or how did I build such an engaged community and my answer has always been simply “I find ways to show I care and go above and beyond to let others know that I’m grateful for their support and thankful for their friendship!”

Tim Hughes, Social Selling Pioneer, Co-Founder of Digital Leadership Associates

“As a Brit we don’t celebrate thanksgiving and I think that is a pity. — I’m grateful for the wonderful people in my new company, Digital Leadership Associates Adam and Iz, daily inspiration. Awesome to travel on an amazing journey with.”

Ross Keating, CRM and Business Strategist at Redback Web Solutions

“Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to look outside ourselves and appreciate others. Today, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have built and maintain relationships with family, friends and business people around the world. I really appreciate the creators of the many technologies I use to keep in touch with all of these people. Without the technology my life would be poorer for not having them in my life. So I give thanks to those who have helped me enrich my life with friendship. To my family, friends and business connections thank you for being part of my world and using technology to help us keep in touch. Happy Thanksgiving!”


Greg Hyer, Marketing Manager at TheeDesign, Co-host of Social Selling Podcast Linking Into Sales

“First and foremost, I’m extremely thankful for the family my wife and I have created. Our five children are a constant reminder of the future and why each day with them is so important. Secondly, I am thankful for what social media has done to help me connect with amazing people all across the globe. I’ve met a number of brilliant and friendly people that I can learn from and collaborate with. They help me become smarter and open my eyes new perspectives.

Ivana Taylor, Small Business Marketing Expert, Online Publisher at DIYMarketers

“I’m Thankful for the ability to choose. I think we take choice for granted and yet it’s the ultimate freedom.  I choose minute by minute, day by day.  To get up, to work, to smile, to help, to support, to serve.”


Paul Bradley Smith, Growth Executive at Raindrop Marketing

“I am grateful for a multicultural family because difference builds strength. I’m grateful for being bilingual and a very diverse group of friends I have. I’m very grateful for my son. Another thing I am grateful for is the game of soccer – the best sport on earth :)”

Martin Brossman, Author, Success Coach and Trainer at Pro Networking Online

“I am thankful for how technology lets me stay connected to friends all over the world on a regular basis it was not possible when I was younger. From Facebook, to LinkedIn, to Twitter, to texting, etc.”

Happy Thanksgiving!