In this webinar, Jon Ferrara mentions that Nimble was recently named an industry leader along with big names like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics or Zoho. He shows what sets Nimble apart from the competition, and even more, he shows you how you can use it in conjunction with other customer relationship management tools.
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding & All fields are required. Get the most out of this guide by starting your free 14-day trial of Nimble today. We all live in several tabs and apps and don’t have time to go back into our CRM to log all the information we Googled about people. This is why Jon came up with a browser extension that works in all main browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) and allows you to be nimble everywhere you are on the internet. You can use it in your calendar, your inbox, social networking sites (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebok, etc.), or as mentioned above, in your own CRM platform. Another problem we all face on daily basis is the accuracy of our data. Nimble solves this as well by automatically updating itself. This feature is crucial to the success of everybody’s business. Without good data, you cannot run reporting because the results would not be accurate. [Tweet “The key killer of #CRM adoption is a lack of use. ~ @Jon_Ferrara, CEO @Nimble”] Watch this walkthrough and see how Nimble can help you be better at what you do. Enjoy!
Free Guide
The ABCs of CRM
Using a CRMDownload Free
You’re All Set!
The first #CRM that automagically builds itself
