Social Selling Etiquette & Why You Should Share

The vast majority of us are now using some form of social media in our rapidly evolving and innovative digital world. After engaging with a number of the world’s top thought leaders that use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media channels for branding and selling purposes, it is quite apparent that social selling etiquette is required to generate more business and increase sales.

Social selling etiquette has even engineered new social currencies like “sharing” with new words and neologisms like #shareology and #shareologist created by Bryan Kramer in his new book “Shareology”.

[Tweet “Sharing is the art of listening, thinking and acting on the desires of another ~ pBs “]

Top thought leaders include:

Kare Anderson – Emmy-winning former NBC and Wall Street Journal reporter, connective behavior expert and speaker, columnist for Forbes and her most recent TEDx speech “Web of Humanity: Becoming an Opportunity Maker” which has attracted over 1.6 million views.

Dorie Clark – Author of “Reinventing You” and her most recent book titled, “Stand Out” – How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It – Dorie Clark has an extremely impressive biography – A frequent contributor to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, TIME, Entrepreneur and the World Economic Forum.


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Bryan Kramer – A distinguished global speaker and one of the world’s top leaders specific to the art and science of sharing in marketing and business. Founder of Pure Matter – Bryan Kramer’s a best selling authors of “No B2B or B2C, It’s Human to Human” and his new book “Shareology”.

After reading Bryan’s book, it became clear that sharing creates and instills trust. Trust builds relationships and building relationships leads us to more sales.

Engaging with these leaders has allowed us to evaluate and analyze social selling etiquette by how they engage and communicate across multiple social channels.

Our digital world is quite similar to our physical world surrounded by social norms and social selling etiquette.

For example, social selling etiquette is about engaging and communicating the same way you communicate with someone in a meet up or networking event in person. Many of the same rules apply.

Social Selling Etiquette & Why You Should. Paul Bradley Smith

Proper social selling etiquette includes:

  Having a digital conversation and engaging digitally with an #H2H tone by getting to know them before asking them for business and or selling your product or service – How many times have we been sent a request to (like) or (buy) something immediately after connecting – Caveat: If they are asking questions specific to your services or products, it would be proper to introduce them

•  Etiquette includes sharing people’s content you find valuable (or) informative (versus) taking their content and idea and sharing it under your own name taking the credit without giving them credit – As Bryan Kramer illustrates well in his new book “Shareology” How sharing is empowering the human economy – sharing opens up opportunities for you to sell socially

•  Let go of your pride and humble yourself to those who are more knowledgeable on the subject and embrace them by becoming more deeply connected and learning more about their needs – You will uncover opportunities from those you least expect as Kare Anderson writes, “Opportunities do come knocking, many times when we least expect it.”

•  Automation is great; however, if all we do is post or tweet the same context and content people perceive this as repugnant and our audience might not continue to engage

•  As Dorie Clark writes in her book, “Stand Out” in chapter (8) she discusses building your network by creating a community of close colleagues around you who can inspire and help you to succeed leading to an audience of true believers who connect with your message and love what you do.  This is what creates social selling opportunities

Jon Ferrara, the CEO of Nimble, our smart CRM tool writes about, “social selling” and magic is created when you walk in the digital footprint of your prospects and customers opening up opportunity. Jon Ferrara is an amazing leader and one of the top salespeople in the world. Referenced by Forbes contributor Meghan M. Biro

It is quite obvious social selling etiquette and sharing lead to more opportunities and more sales. Let’s make magic happen and move forward together as a team.

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