We’ve just released the beta version of our mobile product! Nimble Mobile is still a work in progress, but nonetheless a milestone and news we’re proud to share today. You can download the Nimble app here. A Nimble account is required for iOS App usage (Register here).

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What You Can Do with Nimble Mobile (Beta)
1. Search. Search for people and companies in your dataset via their basic information. A full list of search criteria: Name, company name, title, email, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, website, description, lead source, lead status, lead type, birthday, phone, address
2. Sort. Contacts are sorted by All, People, Company, Recently Viewed, Recently Added and Recently Contacted
- Recently Viewed – Any contact record you’ve recently looked at, in chronological order from most recent.
- Recently Added – Any contact you’ve recently added to any network.
- Recently Contacted – Conveniently view contacts you have recently communicated with across email, social networks.
- Saved Searches – If you’ve saved any searches from within the Nimble Web App, they will populate in the sort screen.
3. Engage. The Contact Record is your home base within Nimble. It holds information about your contacts, including avatar (photo), title, social networks, and location.
Nimble Mobile has “one-touch functionality” for the following: Call, email, text, map, social networks, Skype, website
4. Take Action (+) – On the contact record, select “+” icon to:
- Log a note
- Add a Task
Onward and Upward
This is the first version of Nimble’s Mobile App. We will be moving quickly to add features and functions to it. You can help us develop the next version by giving us feedback. We appreciate your guidance, support, and encouragement as we move Nimble forward.