How to Be a Nimble Networker at Microsoft Inspire Using Twitter

Well industry conferences offer great opportunities for networking. They’re ideal places to meet new people, catch up with those you already know or finally meet people that you’ve only communicated digitally.

Before You Go

Do your research

In order to get the most of your conference visits, it is good to do your research and prepare ahead. Most conference organizers publish lists of invited speakers on their websites and some of them even create Twitter lists making it very easy for you to connect with them. Microsoft Inspire begins today in Washington D.C. and if you are a registered attendee, you get the option to start networking with other Microsoft Inspire attendees after logging into your Microsoft account in the Connect meeting tool.  

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You can either book time at the designated Connect meeting tables on Level 1 (East Salon) or in an alternate location of your choosing. The designated Connect meeting space is available during the hours noted below:

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Another effective way to find out who’s going and who to connect with is to search for Twitter lists. Many companies and industry leaders curate lists of press, influencers, former and current attendees, speakers or anybody talking about the conference. Feel free to check out this Twitter list of Microsoft Inspire 2017 insiders created by Nimble CEO Jon Ferrara.


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Create a List of People You Want to Meet

With Nimble, you can easily bring Twitter lists into your database straight from the web without having to subscribe. It only requires one click!


Not everybody on a Twitter list you chose will be your target audience so it is understandable not wanting to import all members. With the Smart Contacts App, you can hover over their names (or company names), find out more about them and decided if you want to bring them into your database manually.

David Hayter Live Profile

Connect Ahead of Time

Once you get the list of attendees or speakers who you’d like to meet, look it over to see who you want to connect with ahead of time. Make sure you follow them on Twitter and walk in their digital footprint to look for engagement opportunities.

Do they have a blog? Do they publish on LinkedIn Publisher? Read through their content, comment on it and share it with your community on social media. Don’t forget to include a contribution by including their Twitter handle or tagging them in the update when sharing on other social media sites. This will ensure that they will get a notification which might result in the thanking you for sharing. If that happens, you have a great opportunity to start a conversation with them.

Once you have already popped up in their feed several times, it might be a good time to send a personalized LinkedIn invite and connect on another platform. Unless you feel it’s the right time already, don’t ask for a meeting yet. Take some more time to engage with their content first.

When you are there

Download our Android or iPhone app and add everybody you interact with.

Simply type in their name and watch how Nimble starts building their record for you by searching the web for all their social profiles.

Step 1: Go to Contacts


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Step 2: Type in the person’s name

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Step 3: Sit back and let Nimble build their record for you.

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Step 4: Create tasks

Creating tasks can help you make sure that you always follow-up on what you have promised. More on managing tasks inside of Nimble here.

Tasks in Nimble

Not Attending?

No worries! People love to share their experience from conferences. It’s easy to just pull out your phone and take a picture of the presenter and their slides or tweet their quote. Using the conference’s hashtag makes it easy to follow the conversations. Since Microsoft Inspire 2017 is starting today, feel free to follow #MSInspire.

Here’s why it might be beneficial to you to keep an eye on what industry experts and other attendees are sharing and saying about the conference.


  • Meet New People


Sometimes hundreds of people are talking about a conference hashtag at the same time which gives you an amazing opportunity to jump in and meet new people from the industry.


  • Talk to Peers


No matter if you are attending in person or following from home, you will see many of your peers sharing their experience from the conference. Engage with them and further develop or refresh your relationship with them by engaging with their conference tweets.


  • Learn Something New


People love to share what they learn from the keynotes they attended and the slide shares the speakers used. Many times, people will tweet out interesting statistics or findinds.


  • Content Curation


We know that we should always be sharing interesting content with our network on social media. Retweeting or re-sharing something that was tweeted during a conference you follow might be a nice way to refresh your feed and bring value to your followers.


  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and news


Conferences are great opportunities for new announcements. Keep an eye on the conference hashtag stream to see what companies and individuals announce and share.


  • Find New Accounts to Follow


Following a conference stream can help you grow your network and learn how other people and companies do their social media. Follow those you find interesting and add them to a Twitter list. If you want to “spy” on competitors without them knowing,  add them to a private Twitter list without following them 😉


  • Prep The Ground For Meeting in Person


Engaging with conference goers or others following remotely can give you a great opportunity to engage before asking for a in-person meeting.