How to Build Your Business Into A Winning Brand

A distinguishable brand is a concept many businesses find hard to nail down – it is more than the product you sell or a snazzy logo.

It’s an ethos; what you live and breathe while networking and doing business; it’s what you promise customers and their perceptions of you as a trustworthy business. Here are a few key things you need to know when it comes to taking that next step with your business:

Understand the message you want to convey

Do you want to be considered a serious thought leader people can turn to for advice and support? Or do you want to be seen as a fun business, that gets the job done with a song and a smile? Understanding the message you want to convey about your business is important, so get this right from the start.


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Think of your brand as a person

Then consider how it would assist or help your demographic. You should have a clear idea of who your customer base is, and if not it might be a good idea to create three personas to whom you can then tailor your content and marketing. These allow you to understand what their needs and interests are and help you tailor your brand’s tone of voice to which they are most likely to react. Innocent Drinks, for example, understands it has a demographic of healthy men and women aged 5-45 who prefer to be spoken to in a relatable, friendly manner, and you can clearly see this in their Twitter posts and exchanges.

Tailor your tone of voice

Every piece of content and communication your customers see should read the same when it comes to tone. Write up a brand guideline for people working for you to follow – whether this is a copywriter putting together blog posts, or the developer working on your website. Every email, social media post, and newsletter should be recognizable as coming from your brand.

Look professional and polished

Everything from your leased vans to your email signature should feature your business logo and this must be well designed. Professionalism never goes amiss when it comes to business as customers want to choose someone they believe to be reliable. A business that takes its branding seriously will be better perceived than someone who turns up in a dirty white van and filthy overalls.

Consistency is key

It’s a clichéd old saying but consistency does solidify good reputability. The easiest way to ensure consistency is by always providing exceptional customer service and a high-quality product to back up the branding you’ve already created for yourself. People will start to consider high quality and care with your logo and name and the message will spread fast.

Take on these tips to ensure your business morphs into a brand people believe in and trust.