You might be thinking that adding podcasts to your busy schedule might be too time consuming. There’s plenty of ways you can incorporate podcasts into your day.
If you are the kind of person who never has time to just sit and listen, try to find a way to be productive while listening. You can try listening while driving, running, walking, stretching, cooking, etc.
Given the number of podcasts out there, I am pretty sure there’s at least one you will love. If you missed the first part of this list of amazing marketing podcasts, click here.
This is part two of two part series. To read 13 Marketing Podcasts You’ll love Part I go here.
This Old Marketing
Although most people think content marketing is brand new, telling stories to attract and retain customers is perhaps the oldest of marketing disciplines. This Old Marketing is tribute to that fact. Joe and Robert’s podcast is educational, enlightening and entertaining.
About the authors
Joe Pulizzi, author, speaker and evangelist, is a content marketing expert dedicated to helping companies grow profits by creating better content. One of the founders of the content marketing movement, Joe launched what is now the Content Marketing Institute. Joe’s book, Epic Content Marketing, was named one of the top five business books of 2013 by Fortune magazine.
Robert Rose currently serves as the Chief Strategy Officer for the Content Marketing Institute and is also a Senior Contributing Analyst for the Digital Clarity Group. He’s worked directly with such companies like Dell, SAP, Staples, Petco, KPMG, 3M, Adobe and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – helping all of them develop smart and creative content marketing strategies.
Why you’ll love it
Joe and Robert’s content is always interesting and you can be sure to absorb a lot of valuable marketing information in less than an hour. They summarize all the latest news in the world of content marketing for you. They give you great examples of who is doing it well in the industry and they are not shy to tell you who .. well, isn’t doing it right.
In this episode, Joe and Robert discuss the rising focus on content promotion and SEO. In their Rants and raves section, they also discuss the Obama selfie stick 😉
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From The Author’s Point of View
In this author interview series, Bryan Kramer gets up close and personal with some of the best business authors. If you are looking for tips in the area of digital marketing and improving your business in general, tune in.

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About the author
Bryan Kramer was named one of the Top Social CEOs by The Huffington Post and Forbes Magazine. He is also a renowned global speaker, consultant and trainer. In a unique sharing experiment conducted in his recent TED Talk @ IBM titled “Why Sharing is Reimagining Our Future”, Bryan witnessed the true power of sharing when inspiration combined itself with reach and technology. The results were stunning – 21 million impressions in just 4 hours, spanning the globe to over 10 countries. Bryan is also the President and CEO of a social, digital and content marketing agency Purematter. If you are not a subscriber yet, check out their blog today.
Why you’ll love it
You will simply love the fresh format of Bryan’s podcast and his positivity. Listening to the interviews with his guests truly feels like listening to friends chatting over a drink in a bar 😉
In this great episode, Bryan and Ted talk about the importance of looking people in the eye. It shows that you are really present and that you pay attention to them. Ted introduces his book “How to look people in the eye digitally” and explains how to put that into practice.
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Marketing over Coffee
John and Christopher cover topics such as social media, SEO, email marketing and copywriting. If you are looking for a great marketing advice delivered in a conversational fashion, this is the podcast for you!
About the Authors
John J. Wall speaks, writes and practices at the intersection of marketing, sales, and technology. He has held positions specializing in Customer Relationship Management and sales support systems at both venture funded and privately held businesses, working with clients such as Microsoft, Oracle, and
Christopher Penn is co-founder of the groundbreaking PodCamp New Media Community unConference. He is an adjunct professor of Internet marketing at the University of San Francisco and the lead subject matter expert and professor of Advanced Social Media at the University of San Francisco.
Why you’ll love it
Marketing over coffee is a great way to find out what’s new in the industry. John and Chris are likable, funny and smart. You will not regret checking this podcast out!
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The Social Media Examiner Show
Listen to this podcast for quick tips for marketing your business. These episodes are actionable, consumable and impactful.
About the author
Chelsea is .. a professional voice talent hired by the folks at Social Media Examiner. As Michael Stelzner says, she is not trying to establish herself as a thought leader she’s just a verbal conduit for their content.
Why you’ll love it
There’s so much content out there and it can be overwhelming to try to keep up. The 10-minute format of this show makes it easy to absorb the most important news from the social media marketing world.
Check out this episode to find out how involving your employees in your social media efforts can benefit your business. Give it a listen and start turning your employees into social media advocates.
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Social Media Marketing
Let Michael Stelzner navigate you through the social jungle and help your business with fresh social media marketing advice. Learn how successful businesses employ social media and gain actionable tips on how to improve your social media marketing.
About the author
Michael Stelzner founded Social Media Examiner back in 2009. Today, their blog is one of the most read and trusted out there.
Why you’ll love it
If you don’t have time to read all the great content that is daily available on the social media examiner’s blog, this podcast is an excellent way of absorbing great social media marketing tips and tricks that you can use to improve marketing your business. Listening to this podcast will keep you informed and up to date with social media news and best practices.
Who doesn’t need more word of mouth marketing? Listen to this great episode for tips on how to get more people to talk about your business.
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New Rainmaker with Brian Clark
Listen to Brian’s podcast and his special guests for great advice on building your own digital platform for marketing and sales.
About the author
Brian Clark is the founder and CEO of Copyblogger Media. The Guardian named Copyblogger one of the world’s 50 most powerful blogs and as Technorati says, Copyblogger is one of the most popular blogs in the world. If you are not reading their blog, do yourself a favor and subscribe today.
Why you’ll love it
If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur seeking advice on promoting yourself online, Brian is your man. Prior to founding Copyblogger Media, he built three successful service businesses and now he and his guests share his experience in his weekly podcasts. Brian together with his guests share great information and perspectives on how to grow an online business through social media and online marketing.
Brian and Robert Bruce talk about their experience with learning and provide tips on gaining confidence in what you do. Blogging or podcasting can be a great way to become a true expert at what you do because the act of explaining forces you to understand the material at a higher level. You will learn a lot while doing that and your confidence level will go up.
Is there a marketing podcast that you love and I didn’t mention on my list? Please feel free to reach out on social or in the comments.
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